My name is Lama Sonam Wangchuk, Lama means monk, my first name is Sonam and my last name is Wangchuk. I was born
around 60 years ago in the village of Karsha in Zanskar, the youngest of nine children. Our parents were peasants like all the people of Zanskar (Zanskarpas). From the age
of nine I was destined to become a monk, and entered the school of the monastery of Karsha. Throughout my childhood and adolescence I travelled over
the paths of Zanskar and Ladakh, at a time when this was the only way to get from one village to another, and even the only road that today links Padum to Kargil
did not exist.
For fifteen years, I have led treks for the French group Allibert, on the Chadar in the frozen gorges of the Zanskar river and over the high passes of my homeland. I know the paths of Zanskar and Ladakh like the passages of my own monastery.
My mother tongue is Zanskari and I also speak Hindi, English, Tibetan and French. Over the years of trekking with people from all over the world I have had the pleasure of gaining an increased understanding of ways of life other than my own.
Through this website, developed by my French friends, I am glad to be able to offer you the opportunity to go on treks without any intermediary. You will have the advantage of my local knowledge and experience and you will travel in Zanskar in a manner respectful of the natural environment and its inhabitants. We go in small groups which gives you close contact with local people and a truly memorable experience. We will follow in the steps of the Zanskarpas who have traced these ancient paths for centuries. By choosing this type of tourism your money will be earned by and will directly support the people of Zanskar, and in particular the monastery and the nunnery of Karsha. We model ourselves on the increasingly popular principles underlying the Fair Trade movement. Our prices are also highly competitive with more commercial treks.
I also organize homestays in Zanskar and in my family members' home if possible. If you do not wish to make treks or in addition to your trek, you can thus spend a few days, weeks or months in a family of Zanskar and discover the traditionnal way of life of the region and the Tibetan culture. More information on the "Homestay" page.